9 Ways To Naturally Stop Grinding Your Teeth in Your Sleep in Turkey, Istanbul
In order to prevent teeth grinding while sleeping, you must first be aware that you grind your teeth at night. In this way, you can take the necessary precautions. You can become aware of your teeth grinding problem by taking into consideration the warnings of your relatives, the warnings of your dentist and the signals given by your body.

How to stop yourself from grinding teeth at night?
When you experience bruxism, you can follow the nine suggestions below:
1. Manage your stress to avoid grinding your teeth while sleeping.
In today's conditions, we feel tense and stressed for a different reason almost every hour. The most important cause of bruxism is that the individual is under stress that he cannot cope with. Someone who cannot apply stress management techniques in his life often grinds his teeth unconsciously due to stress. For oral and dental health and general body health, stress management techniques should be applied, living conditions should be arranged, and meditation should be done to eliminate the problem of teeth grinding.
2. Wear protective plates at night to avoid grinding your teeth while sleeping.
Consult your dentist and have your teeth checked. Use night guards to stop tissue loss caused by clenching your teeth. It is important to use a dental plate specially prepared for you to protect the health of your teeth that you clench with force when you are unconscious. Thanks to dental plaque, the pain you feel when you wake up is also reduced.
3. To avoid grinding your teeth while sleeping, eat healthy and use supplements for missing vitamins.
Protect your muscle health by eating a diet rich in magnesium. Bruxism can also be seen in vitamin B6 deficiency. If you have a vitamin deficiency, try correcting it with a healthy diet and vitamin supplements. Clenching your teeth at night can damage your dental structure and your teeth can break easily. Therefore, try not to consume hard foods and stay away from foods that require chewing, such as gum and Turkish delight.
4. To avoid grinding your teeth while sleeping, open your mouth in a controlled manner when yawning and carefully consume foods that require you to open your mouth wide.
Your jaw muscles, which are tired and tense throughout the night, may contract when you open your mouth too much. Your jaw may not shut up. If you have a problem of teeth grinding at night, you should open your mouth in a controlled manner under all circumstances during the day. Opening your mouth too much while yawning or consuming foods such as hamburgers, wraps, or apples may cause your already tense jaw to contract and not close. Therefore, during the time it takes to reach your oral and maxillofacial surgeon and the time it takes for the surgeon to move your jaw to the correct position, your jaw muscles will become more tired and you will enter a vicious cycle where your pain will continue. Behaviors that will tire your jaw muscles should be avoided and you should rest your muscles as much as possible.
5. Reduce caffeine, alcohol and tobacco consumption to avoid clenching your teeth while sleeping.
It has been observed that as caffeine, alcohol and cigarette consumption increases, the individual's unconscious clenching behaviour at night also increases. Stop smoking and its derivatives for your oral and dental health as well as your whole body health. Reduce your daily caffeine and alcohol intake.
6. Do muscle massage and warm application to avoid clenching teeth while sleeping.
At night, the masseter muscles of the jaw are strained due to clenching of the teeth. Massaging the chewing muscles on both cheeks and the temporal muscles close to your temples reduces the tension in the muscles. Wrap a thick cloth or towel around the hot water bottle. Keep it on the strained temporal and masseter muscles for 2-3 minutes and rest your skin for 5 minutes. Do this procedure several times during the day. With this application that will accelerate blood circulation, lactic acid accumulation in the area will disperse and your muscles will relax.
7. Get healthy sleep habits to avoid clenching teeth while sleeping.
It is very important that the body gets enough rest to relieve tension. A tense individual may have problems in controlling his/her stress and may clench his/her teeth day or night without realising it.
Regular sleep every day is very important for the health of the whole body.
Not dealing with devices that emit blue light before going to sleep, paying attention to caffeine intake during the day and not consuming caffeine-containing products 2 hours before bedtime, sleeping in a dark room, taking a relaxing shower before sleep, making the room temperature ideal for sleep, sleeping in a bed suitable for your body structure, thinking about situations that will make you happy before sleep and relaxing your body will help you sleep quality sleep. With a well-rested body, it is easier to cope with all the problems of the new day. Stress control can be achieved. Many patients who can control stress get rid of the problem of bruxism.
8. Do sports during the day to avoid clenching your teeth while sleeping.
Teeth clenching while sleeping is usually caused by stress. One of the most effective methods to cope with stress is to lead an active life and do sports. Walking during the day and engaging in any sportive activity relaxes the individual physically and spiritually. Provides stress management. It prevents teeth clenching while sleeping.
9. Get orthodontic treatment if you have dental crowding to avoid clenching your teeth while sleeping.
No matter what age group you are in, do not forget that you can eliminate the dental crowding that may cause your teeth clenching problem with clear aligners (Invisalign) or braces treatment.
We recommend that you consult Prof.Dr. Mehmet Oguz Oztoprak to get more knowledge about teeth grinding-bruxism, contact us or visit Dentapolitan oral and dental health hospitals in Turkey, Istanbul