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How to stop snoring immediately? Snoring Prosthesis Turkey

How to stop snoring immediately? Snoring Prosthesis Turkey

Do any anti-snoring devices really work?

The snoring prosthesis positions the lower jaw forwards and the soft tissues in the pharynx upwards during sleep. In this way, the airway obstructions required for comfortable breathing are opened. Snoring prosthesis is an apparatus that works at a very high rate in preventing snoring.

What is a snoring prosthesis?

Snoring prosthesis is an intraoral apparatus designed for individuals with snoring or sleep apnoea to use at night. Snoring prosthesis keeps the lower jaw in front, prevents the tongue from falling back and provides comfortable breathing. It is effective in eliminating the snoring problem.

What is a snoring prosthesis?-turkey

Snoring prosthesis is a product recommended by dentists, specially prepared for each patient in accordance with the patient's intraoral measurements.Snoring prosthesis increases the size of the upper and lower posterior airways by positioning the lower jaw further forward during sleep.

Snoring prosthesis reduces the situations that may cause obstruction here.The snoring prosthesis pulls the lower jaw and tongue forward, which fall backwards during sleep.

The snoring prosthesis, which also raises the base of the tongue, prevents tissue compression during breathing. It raises the hyoid both upwards and forwards. In this way, the upper respiratory tract is enlarged.

Thanks to the expanding air duct, the speed of the air passing through the duct decreases during breathing. This prevents soft tissue vibration.

Snoring prosthesis creates an exercise effect on the geniogloussus muscle. It is effective in regaining the lost strength and function of this muscle. The snoring prosthesis is also effective in activating the palatoglossus muscle. When this muscle regains its function, the soft palate tissue is also pulled forward.

Is snoring prosthesis useful?

Snoring is a problem that reduces the quality of sleep for both the individual himself and the people who sleep in the same room with him, thus reducing the quality of life.

Snoring prosthesis is useful because it allows the individual with snoring or sleep apnoea problems and the people who share the same room with him to sleep and rest more comfortably.

Snoring prosthesis prevents the tongue and jaw from going backwards, which causes obstruction of breathing during sleep, and ensures easy airflow. Thanks to the regular air flow, the individual can get rid of the snoring problem on the nights when the snoring apparatus is used. Snoring prosthesis is also useful in more serious respiratory problems, such as sleep apnoea.

Benefits of snoring prosthesis

  • Snoring prosthesis is easy to use.
  • The problem of snoring and sleep apnoea decreases from the day of use. The full effect is seen within 3-4 weeks.
  • Since the snoring prosthesis is not a large apparatus, it fits in a small prosthesis container and the patient can take the snoring prosthesis wherever he wants.
  • Snoring prosthesis is an ideal choice for patients who are afraid of surgical procedures.
  • The cost is low.
  • Scientific studies show that successful results are obtained with snoring prosthesis.
  • The individual whose sleep quality increases gets rid of distraction, weakness, fatigue, being sleepy all the time, and weight problems. Using snoring prosthesis ensures that all these problems are not experienced by the individual who shares the same room with the snoring person. It improves people's quality of life.

Do nasal anti-snoring devices work?

Do nasal anti-snoring devices work?-turkey

Snoring devices that increase the amount of air passing through the nose by opening the wings of the nose by a small amount cannot completely eliminate problems such as snoring and sleep apnoea. Because the snoring apparatus placed in the nose does not affect the organs in the pharyngeal region that cause snoring, hang back, cause narrowing, and obstruction in the airway. It can only slightly increase the air passing through the nose.

Can snoring be cured?

Problems such as snoring and sleep apnoea can be treated with the use of snoring prosthesis, different surgical applications, injection procedures.

Is snoring harmful to your health?

Snoring is harmful to the general body health of the individual because it reduces sleep quality. The individual who cannot get enough rest and quality sleep is tired and sleepy all day. Low sleep quality also causes the individual to face many negative situations by experiencing distraction problems.

Individuals with sleep apnoea are at risk of death during sleep.

What doctor to consult for snoring?

Individuals with snoring problems can use snoring prosthesis by applying to the dentist to eliminate this problem. Other snoring treatments can be applied to the ENT specialist.

What are the dangers of snoring?

Snoring is a disturbing condition that affects both the individual himself and the people he shares the same room with.

For people with sleep apnoea, there is a risk of death due to respiratory arrest during sleep.

Snoring lowers an individual's quality of sleep, leading to symptoms such as excessive sleepiness, fatigue, headaches in the morning, distraction, memory issues, impotence, hypertension, weight gain, an increased risk of motor vehicle accidents, and a decreased sense of joy in life.

Can snoring be cured permanently?

Snoring prosthesis is the method that can offer a definitive solution without surgery without resorting to surgical method in patients who want to cope with the snoring problem. It is a solution to the snoring problem in regular use.

How does a snoring prosthesis work?

The use of a snoring prosthesis allows the individual to breathe easily and helps strengthen the weakened pharyngeal muscles that cause snoring.The snoring prosthesis, which is placed in the mouth before falling asleep, fits snugly against the teeth.

Snoring prosthesis pushes the lower jaw backwards. It keeps the sagging soft tissues in the tension they should be. It prevents snoring by opening the respiratory tract. Starting to use the snoring prosthesis in the early period ensures that its effects are more pronounced and shortens the treatment time.

Snoring prosthesis is an apparatus that should be used every day. For this reason, it does not have a permanent effect, but snoring decreases with the muscles strengthened by regular use.

How your dentist can help with snoring in Turkey

When a dentist is consulted with a snoring problem, the dentist requests a lateral cephalometric head film (lateral cephalometric) of the patient. In this way, the anatomy of the tissues causing snoring is seen.

The patient's intraoral films are also taken, and the data are sent to the laboratory for the preparation of a snoring prosthesis suitable for the oral structure.

Your dentist makes many calculations for the snoring prosthesis, which determines the retention of the snoring prosthesis, the opening and distance between the two jaws, how far the lower jaw will be positioned in front, and how the anterior airway passage will be opened. After the snoring prosthesis suitable for these calculations, which are specially planned for each individual, is prepared in the laboratory environment, the patient is called to the dentist appointment.

The patient is instructed on how to use the prosthesis.

Jaw and facial prosthesis specialist dentists are experienced dentists who have received detailed training on jaw joint head and neck oral systems. The recommendation, follow-up, and controls of snoring prostheses are made by these dentists.

With the correct use of the prosthesis, the patient can get rid of the snoring problem.

Snoring prosthesis treatment is performed by our experienced dentists. Make an appointment for your dental check-up at one of our Dentapolitan Oral and Dental Health Hospitals in Turkey, Istanbul.