What is Aesthetic Dentistry & What are Aesthetic Dentistry Procedures? in Istanbul Turkey
Aesthetic Dentistry
Aesthetic dentistry refers to a range of dental surgeries and treatments that help people restore lost functions and recover a healthy, attractive appearance. Aesthetic dentistry deals with the treatment of tooth decay, teeth worn, teeth whitening (bleaching), sensitive teeth, intermittent tooth (Diestema), traumatized tooth, broken teeth and teeth with disturbance of shape, tissue and form, and mild crowding.
Composite white fillings (bonding procedures), porcelain fillings (inlay-onlay), fibre procedures, whitening methods, laser technology and Lamina procedures are used for CBU treatments.
What are Aesthetic Filling & Bonding Procedure?
These are aesthetic procedures performed to change and correct tooth colour, size and form with composite (white) filling in the restoration of decayed, worn, broken teeth. Since there is minimal loss of material in the tooth tissue, we can also call dental bonding procedures as tooth tissue friendly procedures. Since the material we use is a composite filling with low cost and high colour options, it produces satisfactory results at an affordable price for our patients.
What is the Lifespan of Aesthetic Filing?
The quality of the composite material used, the physician's hand skills, and the patient's oral hygiene practices all affect how long aesthetic fillings last. The average lifespan of aesthetic fillings is 5 years, but people who consume a lot of tea, coffee and cigarettes have faster discolouration than natural teeth.
Porcelain Lamina or Aesthetic Composite Filling?
The advantages, disadvantages and indications of both restoration types are different. Depending on the patient's expectations, the condition of the teeth and the patient's financial situation, our dentists at Dentapolitan Oral and Dental Health Hospitals offer the patient the most ideal restoration options. Porcelain Laminates are longer lasting and aesthetically superior, but it may be necessary to roughen the tooth surface.
What Should Be Considered in the Care of Aesthetic Composite Filling?
Good oral hygiene is the most important factor in the maintenance of aesthetic fillings. If an ideal oral hygiene is not provided, both gum problems occur and teeth may decay. In addition, since hard foods can cause abrasion on the composite material, such foods should be avoided. Since abrasion can also be caused by brushing, hard tooth brushing should not be done. Another issue is that all colouring foods and beverages such as cigarettes - tea - coffee will cause changes in the colour of aesthetic fillings, so their consumption should be avoided.
What are Porcelain Inlay - Onlay Filling?
Porcelain Inlay - Onlay Fillings are custom-made complete porcelain restorations that preserve the tooth's structural integrity in the face of severe tooth tissue loss and chewing stresses. It is generally used in the back teeth. Porcelain Inlay filling is a special filling made for the inner part of the tops in the chewing area of the teeth, while porcelain Onlay filling is a larger porcelain filling that includes these tooth tops.
What are the Advantages of Porcelain Inlay-Onlay Fillings?
Porcelain Inlay - Onlay fillings are more aesthetic than composite fillings as they do not have colouration. In addition, the edge harmony is better because it is processed in a special laboratory. It is more successful in large restorations. In addition, since the good edge harmony ensures that there is no leakage in the junction areas of the restoration and the tooth, the risk of caries in the remaining tooth hard tissue is less than Composite fillings.
How are Porcelain Inlay and Onlay Filling done?
Porcelain Inlay - Onlay fillings are fillings made in two sessions. Firstly, the existing decay in the teeth is cleaned and a special cavity is prepared for filling. Then, the dentist takes an impression from the tooth with special impression techniques, selects the colour according to the patient's teeth from the porcelain colour scale and sends it to the laboratory. The porcelain filling prepared in the laboratory is adhered to the tooth with special materials in the area isolated from saliva in the mouth in the second session. The process ends with the final polishing by the dentist.
In Which Cases Porcelain Inlay - Onlay Filling Should Be Preferred?
Porcelain Inlay - Onlay filling are used as an alternative option to porcelain crowns in order to maintain tooth integrity, especially in teeth that have undergone root canal treatment, lost water and increased fragility. Composite fillings are used as an alternative in order to provide both aesthetics and a more ideal tooth contact relationship in teeth with a lot of material loss. It is also used to increase the vertical dimension in excessively worn teeth.
What are Empress Porcelain Crowns?
In Empress porcelain crowns, glass-supported reinforced porcelain is used instead of metal substructure. Glass-supported porcelain transmits more light. Empress crowns also have near-perfect light reflectivity. Due to these features, they are close to natural teeth and are very aesthetic. Their harmony with gum tissues is very good. Since it does not contain metal substructure, there is no allergy situation. In addition, since Empress porcelains fit exactly to the tooth with their special adhesives, the tooth does not decay under the porcelain.
What Teeth Can Empress Porcelain Crowns Be Made for?
- In the upper front teeth where aesthetics are very important,
- In premolars that are not subjected to excessive force,
- In teeth that have discoloured following root canal treatment,
- In teeth discoloured by antibiotics such as tetracycline, in teeth discoloured by excess fluorine intake (fluorosis) and in teeth with age-related discolouration,
- In the closure of intermittent teeth (in the presence of diestama),
- In teeth with deformity,
- In teeth that exhibit poor posture and alignment,
- In many restoration procedures to provide smile aesthetics,
- Empress full porcelain crowns are used to achieve an aesthetically ideal appearance in broken or worn teeth.
Empress Porcelain Crowns or Zirconium?
Full porcelain is used instead of metal substructure in both restoration types. Since Empress full porcelain crowns have similar properties to natural teeth, they are more aesthetic and are preferred in the anterior regions. The structural durability of zirconium is better than Empress porcelain. Since the chewing forces in the posterior region will be higher, zirconia is used. In addition, zirconia is used in restorations with excessive tooth deficiency.