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Dentist Ezgi TATLI

Doktor Ezgi Tatlı


Contact Information


Dt. Ezgi Tatlı was born in Ankara in 1994.

She provides services in the fields of general anesthesia and sedation in children, veneer applications in children, root canal treatment, amputation, filling, placeholder, fluoride application, trauma. He was assigned as a volunteer physician in volunteer pediatric dentistry in Africa.

She gave a 3-week seminar to lecturers and students at The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences.

She graduated from Yeni yüzyıl Faculty of Dentistry in 2017.

In 2018, she was accepted to Altınbaş University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics for doctoral education.

In 2022, she graduated as a Pediatric Dentist and is a member of Turkish Dental Association (TDB), Turkish Pedodontic Association (TPD) and European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (EAPD).

Seminars Attended

-Introducing Primary Zirconia Crowns İnto Your Pediatric Practice Part 1-2

-14th. Congress of The European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry

-Completion for root to crown:primary and permanent teeth

-Prof Zrcrown Training in planning and prefabricated zirconium restorations under general anesthesia

-MTA applications in Pioneer Academy clinical practice

-Myobrace ve Miyofonksiyonel Ortodonti Semineri

-Myobrace Advanced Seminar

-Training in Direct Aesthetic Restorations of Dentsem Anterior Diestemas

-Rotary Instrument Use Course in Endodontics

Institutions he worked for

-Sisli Sanita Private Dental Hospital (2018-2020)

-My Aesthetic Dentist in Sisli (2018-2021)

-Dentapolitan Bostanci,Pendik,Umraniye(2021-Present)