What Is Jaw Joint (TMJ) Treatment?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ, Mandible Joint) is a dynamic living tissue that connects the lower jaw with the skull. Jaw joint disorder is a pain and dysfunction syndrome involving the masticatory muscles. Jaw joint disorders have affected a widespread segment today. Jaw Joint Disorder is caused by the deterioration of the harmony between the articular surface and the disc.
What are the Causes of Jaw Joint Disorders?
Direct trauma to the jaw or joint area (as a result of accident or impact)
- One-sided chewing habit
- Tooth deficiencies
- Teeth grinding and clenching
- Stress, depression etc.
- Non-physiological tooth occlusion
- Developmental defects of the joint (hypoplasia etc.)
- Degenerative joint disorders, osteoarthritis, arthrosis
- Degenerative joint disorders, osteoarthritis, arthrosis
- Autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus
- Orthodontic disorders
- Unknown factors
How to Diagnose Jaw Joint Diseases?
Jaw joint disorders, some ancillary tests can be used together with the clinical examination. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are frequently used imaging modalities. Rarely, scintigraphy or PET examinations may be required. In addition, the use of splint is a diagnostic tool.
Does Jaw Joint Treatment Reduce My Pain?
Jaw Joint treatment, the loads on the joints are reduced and the correct chewing habits are gained, stopping the abrasions on the tissues and providing a great relief.
Does Jaw Joint Treatment Provide Complete Recovery?
Jaw joint treatment may not always heal completely, it would be wrong to say that elongation or deformation in the jaw joint disc or accessory ligaments can be completely repaired or healed. If the cause of the disorder is closure or Orthodontic, a great relief is provided in the jaw joint with the disappearance of the disorder after Orthodontic treatment, but the joint tissue that was eroded before the treatment cannot heal.
What are the Symptoms of Jaw Joint Disorders?
- Pain feeling during mouth opening
- Squeaking, clicking, clicking sound when opening and closing the mouth
- Limited mouth opening or locking
- Pain or stiffness in the neck
- Headache (not to be confused with migraine pain)
- Severe pain felt while chewing and on the face
- Pain when closing the teeth on top of each other
- Quiet feeling of tiredness in the jaws while chewing
- Difficulty and pain in opening the jaw, usually in the morning when waking up
- Difficulty yawning
- Ear pain and ringing in the ears, rumbling-like sounds, congestion and pressure sensation
- Sudden changes in the way the upper and lower teeth meet
- Facial asymmetry, which may be due to hyperplasia of the facial muscles
- Deviation of the jaw during mouth opening
What are the Treatment Options in Jaw Joint Diseases?
- Patient education and preventive treatment
- Splint therapy
- Orthodontic treatment
- Medicine therapy
- Exercises
- Physical therapy
- Psychiatric support
- Surgical treatments in delayed cases(Arthrocentesis)
How Is The Jaw Joint Inspected?
- Inspection of teeth and closure system
- Examination of chewing muscles
- Inspection of the jaw joint
- Radiological examination
How Are Jaw Joint Diseases Treated?
- Symptom-aware treatment
- Treatment of the causes that cause the disease
- Removal of predisposing factors
- Treatment of pathological factors
Specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of the jaw joint, ORAL AND DENTAL SURGERY experts first diagnose what the disease is and then inform the patients about the necessary treatments. After the patients accept the treatments, necessary treatments are performed.
Jaw joint treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach, primarily patient compliance. Along with the treatment to be applied by the jaw joint specialist, it may also require consultation of an Orthodontist, Physical Therapist, Psychiatrist, and Neurologist.