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Pain Perception during Orthodontic Treatment with Fixed Appliances in Turkey, Istanbul

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Why do we feel pain during orthodontic treatment?

Pain during orthodontic treatment is one of the side effects caused by the devices used; factors such as age, gender, psychological status, past experiences and cultural infrastructure are influential in the formation of pain.

The main reason for half-treatment is pain. After orthodontic apnea is placed, acute inflammation and swelling occurs, resulting in swelling of the intestine and pressure on the vessels, causing ischemia and pain. The presence of acute inflammation and swelling causes the separation of periodontal fibers and a decrease in the tension of the periodontal ligament.

Pain perception toward orthodontic treatment

Premature contact with orthodontist treatment causes dental sensitivity and pain. Fixed devices, separators, arc wire placement, activation and debonding cause more pain than mobile apnea. The pain associated with separation begins 4 hours after the separation is placed, increases within 24 hours, the most severe pain occurs on the second day, the pain disappears completely within 5-7 days. In permanent treatments, the pain starts 4 hours after the application and reaches its peak after 24 hours, lasting for 2-3 days. It completely loses its intensity on the 5th or 6th day. Women have more pain than men, and men have less pain. Elderly patients have more pain than younger ones.

The anterior teeth are more painful than the posterior teeth, and the smaller the surface area of the root, the greater the mobility and pain. The intrusive forces are less painful during the removal of the bracelets than the messial-distal forces, so it is recommended to bite a cotton roll to reduce the pain. Wire swelling and injury and related oral ulcers during treatment in adult patients are the most disturbing factors.

Do Clear aligners cause pain?

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Clear aligners cause much less pain in the first 7 days than regular orthodontic treatment. The main reason for this is that excessive forces are not applied to clear aligners, while light and intermittent forces reduce pain perception. Also, there are no high pain sensing procedures, such as separation and bracket removal with transparent plates, and there is less mobility and pain compared to fixed mechanics. Clear aligners do not cause wire spills and oral ulcers and are more comfortable than fixed mechanics.

How to Reduce Pain Caused by Braces

Many methods have been used to reduce pain during orthopedic treatment. One of them is the use of analgesics (pain killer). The last approach in the use of preoperative analgesics is to use these analgesic agents at least 1 hour before all orthodontic procedures.If aspirin is given before the procedure, it causes a decrease in tooth movement.

Acetaminophen (Paracetomol/analgesic drug): Unlike ibuprofen, it does not affect resorption and can be safely used in orthodontics.

The bite plate and chewing gum reduce the pain as the tooth moves a little and accelerates the blood flow on the stuck side.

The acupuncture point in the thumb area is frequently used in turkey, istanbul

Laser application and low dose CO2 reduce edema, provide better healing, and do not change the speed of tooth movement.

Acupuncture and acupressure stimulate myelin nerve fibers as a result of pressure or needle dropping.

The acupuncture point in the thumb area is frequently used. Pain that may occur can be reduced by applying acupressure with a needle or finger pressure 5 minutes before orthodontic treatment.

We recommend that you consult Prof.Dr. Mehmet Oguz Oztoprak to get more knowledge about orthodontic treatment, contact us, or visit Dentapolitan oral and dental health hospitals in Turkey, Istanbul and Ankara.