Sedation Dentistry: Dental Sedation Treatment in Turkey Istanbul

What is sedation dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is an effective method that helps patients relax and reduce anxiety during treatment. It is often preferred for individuals who are afraid of dental treatment, patients who have difficulty enduring long procedures, or people who have trouble staying still during treatment. Sedation is the controlled use of drugs that affect the central nervous system and calm the patient. Unlike general anaesthesia, sedation patients are relaxed and aware of their surroundings. This method facilitates the work of both patients and dentists in dental treatments.
Sedation Dentistry Types
Sedation is divided into different types depending on the mode of administration and its effect:
Minimal Sedation
At this level the patient is fully awake but sedated. It is used to reduce the level of anxiety and make the patient more comfortable during treatment. Minimal sedation is usually achieved with oral medications (pills).
With oral sedation you can fall asleep lightly. However, you may wake up with a gentle nudge.
Moderate (Reduced Consciousness) Sedation
In this type of sedation, the patient can talk and respond to instructions but may not remember exactly what happened after treatment. Intravenous (IV) drugs or nitrous oxide (laughing gas) are used for moderate sedation.
Nitrous oxide
Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is inhaled through a mask or nosepiece. It starts to work within three to five minutes. During the treatment, your dentist controls and adjusts the dosages. After the treatment, pure oxygen is given to the patient to remove the nitrous oxide from your body, and the gas leaves the body in a short time.
Deep Sedation
A state in which the patient is almost completely unconscious. Although the patient's response to external stimuli is limited, their breathing and basic reflexes remain intact. Deep sedation is achieved with higher doses of IV drugs.
The Uses of Sedation Dentistry
Sedation dentistry has a wide range of uses in dentistry:
- Paediatric Patients: Sedation is the preferred method for children who struggle or fear to cooperate during dental treatment. This method allows the child to relax and the treatment to be completed more easily.
- Those with Fear of Dentists: It facilitates the treatment process of patients with fear or phobia of dental treatment and prevents these individuals from neglecting their dental health.
- Large and Complex Procedures: In long-lasting surgical procedures or complex treatments, sedation increases the comfort of the patient and allows the procedure to be completed more effectively.
- Those with Sensitive Reflexes: Sedation provides great comfort, especially for patients with excessive gag reflexes.
Advantages of Sedation Dentistry
The advantages of sedation in dental treatments are many:
- Reduced Anxiety: Sedation allows the patient to relax and reduce their fear during treatment.
- Ensuring Immobility: Reducing the risk of the patient moving during treatment allows the dentist to work more precisely and effectively.
- Saving Time: Thanks to sedation, long treatments can be completed in one go, saving time for both the patient and the dentist.
- Pain Reduction: Sedation reduces the patient's perception of pain, resulting in a more comfortable experience.
Things to Consider Before and After Sedation
Consider the following factors before and after administering sedation to ensure safety and effectiveness:
- The patient should usually fast for a few hours before the treatment. This ensures that the effect of the medications used is safer.
- The medications taken before sedation and the general health status of the patient must be shared with the dentist.
- Avoid using substances like smoking and alcohol.
- Avoid activities like driving, operating machinery, or making critical decisions until the sedation has completely worn off.
- Patients should not go home alone after sedation; instead, they should go home with a companion.
- After the treatment, following all the instructions given by the dentist accelerates the healing process.
Before Sedation:
After Sedation
Is Sedation Safe?
Sedation is extremely safe when administered by a qualified dentist or anaesthesiologist. However, since each patient's health condition is different, a detailed evaluation is required before sedation. The appropriate sedation method is determined by taking into account the patient's allergies, chronic diseases, or regular medications. This process mitigates potential risks and guarantees the safe completion of the treatment.
In conclusion, sedation is an effective method in dentistry to reduce patients' anxiety and make the treatment process more comfortable. When properly planned, it can change patients' perspectives on dental health and contribute to a healthier life.
Frequently Asked Questions about Sedation Dentistry
Is general anaesthesia used in dentistry?
Yes, in some cases, general anesthesia is used for young children or those with extreme dental anxiety. Under general anesthesia, the patient loses consciousness. Usually this type of anesthesia is performed by an anesthesiologist.
What is the recovery time of sedation dentistry?
Recovery times vary depending on the type of sedation. Also, each person reacts differently to sedation. In general, with nitrous oxide sedation, patients become normal within 15 to 30 minutes. Patients who receive oral conscious sedation or IV sedation need to wait about 24 hours for a full recovery.
Who is suitable for sedation?
Adults and children can receive dental sedation. However, some patients may not be suitable for sedation. After reviewing your medical history and medications, your doctor will decide which type of sedation he or she can and cannot perform.
What does sedation dentistry feel like?
Following sedation, you may first feel a sense of relaxation and calmness. Depending on the type of sedation, there may be a slight tingling or dizziness.
Will I feel any pain during treatment with sedation?
The aim of sedative dentistry is to minimise pain and discomfort. Therefore, you will not feel pain. The sedative relaxes you and numbs the treated area, making the treatment painless.
Dental treatments are performed by our experienced dentists. Make an appointment for your check-up at one of our Dentapolitan Oral and Dental Health Hospitals in Turkey, Istanbul.