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Aesthetic Dental Treatments: Frequently Asked Questions Istanbul Turkey Dental Hospitals

Cosmetic Dentistry - Frequently Asked Questions

Aesthetic dentistry is the treatment that enables people to achieve a healthy, aesthetic appearance and improve lost functions with various procedures performed on teeth and gums. Aesthetic dentistry treats dental caries, worn teeth, discoloured teeth (whitening), sensitive teeth, spaced teeth (diestema), traumatised teeth, broken teeth, teeth with shape, texture, and form disorders, and mild crowding.

Aesthetic Dental Treatments: Frequently Asked Questions turkey

For these treatments, composite white fillings (bonding procedures), porcelain fillings (inlay-onlay),fibre procedures, teeth whitening methods, laser technology, and lamina procedures are used.

Is aesthetic filling-bonding a painful procedure?

No, although the procedures are usually performed under local anaesthesia, in some cases (minimal cutting and correction of teeth), local anaesthesia is not required.

Do aesthetic fillings-bonding prodecure take a long time?

If the procedures are applied to a few teeth, they are completed in a single session in the patient's mouth with the direct method. If applied to many teeth, it may take several sessions with direct or lowering methods.

How are aesthetic fillings-bonding procedure performed?

There is a golden ratio rule in teeth and in nature. According to this rule, teeth should be seen in certain proportions in order to be aesthetically perfect when viewed from the front during a smile. In aesthetic fillings, these proportions are taken into consideration, and rough areas are first made on the teeth with minimal procedures. Afterwards, restorations are made with composite material, which is easy to shape in these areas.

How long do aesthetic fillings last?

The lifespan of aesthetic fillings varies according to the quality of the composite material used, the hand skills of the physician, and the oral hygiene care of the patient. Their average lifespan is 5 years, but people who consume a lot of tea, coffee, and cigarettes experience discolouration faster than natural teeth.

What are the advantages of aesthetic fillings?

The biggest advantage of aesthetic composite fillings is that they have different colour options and are transparent and aesthetically pleasing to patients. It is also low-cost. If the patient wishes, he/she can have aesthetic filling in the same tooth again. It is preferred by patients because minimal treatment is performed on the tooth tissue.

What is the lifespan of porcelain inlay - onlay filling?

The lifespan of porcelain inlay-onlay filling depends on the type of material, the patient's oral hygiene, and the skill of the physician.

What teeth are not good for empress porcelain crowns?

Empress porcelain crowns are not preferred in the restoration of teeth with more than one missing tooth in the back teeth where excessive chewing force comes.

What is the process of empress porcelain crowns?

As with any kind of restoration, smile design is made for the patient in the construction of Empress Full Porcelain crowns. Ideal planning is made according to the patient's expectations and current tooth-gum condition. Cutting is made for dental restorations by the specialist physician. Precise measurements are taken, colour is selected, and sent to the laboratory. While the crowns are under construction, the patient is fitted with temporary crowns made according to the plans. The harmony of the Empress Porcelain crowns coming from the laboratory is carefully checked by the physician. The crowns are glued after the patient's approval.

Does pain occur during and after the procedure of empress porcelain crowns?

During the procedure of the crowns, the teeth are cut under local anaesthesia, so there is no pain. When temporary crowns are bonded after cutting, there will be no pain as there will be no sensitivity problem in the teeth.

How to care for empress porcelain crowns?

Oral hygiene before and after empress crowns is the same. Toothbrushing, use of an interdental brush or dental floss, and daily mouthwash should be done.